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The purpose of this church shall be the advancement of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.  It shall seek to attain this end through the public worship of God, the preaching of the Gospel, consistent Christian living by its members, personal evangelism, missionary endeavor and Christian education.



We believe:     

     a.  in one God, who exists in three persons.    

     b.  man, by his fall into sin, is guilty, unable to do any spiritual good to merit the favor of God, and is under God's wrath and curse.    

     c.  God the Father planned for and provided for the redemption of His people from eternity.    

     d.  In atonement for sin through Jesus Christ who being very God of very God became flesh, was born of the virgin Mary, was perfect and sinless in all respects, was crucified, buried, and raised again and ascended to the right hand of God to make intercession for His people.    

     e.  In God the Holy Spirit who applies the atonement of Christ by convicting of sin, regeneration, renewing, and dwelling in His people.    

     f.  In the Baptism of believers by immersion in water as a public demonstration and witness of our being dead, buried and resurrected with Christ, and not as a means or prerequisite for salvation.    

     g.  In the resurrection of the dead at the coming again of our Lord.    

     h.  In the everlasting life of loving, obedient believers    

     i.  In the everlasting separation from God of the wicked and impenitent.    

     j.  In the Divine inspiration of the Bible as the revealed will and Word of God, and as the only rule of faith and practice for the Christian.    

     k.  that a Church is a company of believers in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in fellowship and love and that His Church is to make Him known to all the world that they may believe in, and love Him also.

(A complete Statement of faith including Scripture references is available upon request.)


Worship Style:       

The worship style at Truthville Baptist is traditional which includes singing of hymns as well as God-honoring choruses.  The preaching is either topical or expository but always directly from God's Word. 



The congregation is made up of people from many different walks of life who love the Lord Jesus Christ and want to honor and serve Him.  We come together to worship Him and to fellowship with one another.  An average Sunday morning attendance is between 100-125 people.

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